An electrical shutdown has been scheduled for BDS in order for UA Electrical to install additional meters for gameday monitoring.This shutdown is scheduled for tomorrow, Wednesday, September 26th, 2018 from 5:00 AM to 9:00 AM.
This will NOT impact power to the Digital Media Center and the North Zone.
• This will impact all electrical and mechanical systems
• BDS is on 7 back-up emergency generators
• The Emergency Operations Center will be impacted (EOC is on the back-up emergency system)
• Fire Alarm system is on back-up emergency system
• BDS has (2) fire pumps
• Chillers for the south zone, and east and west sides will be impacted
• West elevators will be out of operation. North, south and east elevators are on the back-up emergency system
• Camera systems/monitoring equipment will be ok per Michael Kelley (note from prior shutdown)
• Access control will not be operational. Not on emergency system
• The gate control for Zoe’s on south end will be impacted
• The OIT data closet by the home team locker room is not on the emergency system. No other buildings should be impacted (note from prior shutdown)
Action Items:
• 2 fire pumps impacted – South and East Sides – East side fire pump is on back-up emergency system. UA Plumbing to verify if the south side fire pump is on the emergency system
• UA Plumbing shop to verify if plumbing equipment (booster pumps, sump and grinder pumps, water heaters, ect.) are on the emergency system. If not, is generator needed? (ask Terry McMillan with UA Electrical)
• UA HVAC to shutdown all mechanical equipment and start-up once power is restored
• UA Elevator Maint. to shutoff and secure all elevators that will not remain operational. Verify start-up once power is restored
• UA Electrical to notify Stephen Lake 30 min prior to restoring normal power in order to test transfer switch functionality for east elevators
• Shawn Templeton to coordinate with Zoe’s Kitchen
• Due to security risk, building signage will not be posted
• Ricky Luker to submit work orders to shops for building support upon request